P Products

Hundreds of products manufactured in-house. In our catalogue you will find an extensive range of furniture enabling us to adapt to your

Shelves, display stands, tables, chairs… Our catalogue is backed by years of experience of working within the sector. We offer unique products, designed for every space, guaranteeing elegance and versatility.


A About us

With over 40 years of manufacturing experience, and having been pioneers in the national territory, Metalundia has furnished countless municipal libraries and archives together with the Government of Catalonia, the Community of Madrid and the Government of Andalusia, among other government regions. 

Within the university sector, we have undertaken some very innovative projects, such as a new table lighting system, a new series of shelves, we have improved the production of lockers and electrification systems that comply with all regulations, we have created anti-vandalism systems for many of our products etc.… 

Additionally, we have worked with leading universities to develop some very interesting made-to-measure projects. 

O Our work

S Space planning

Metalundia’s business policy is to attain excellence in our services, always seeking our client’s complete satisfaction with the product, both when planning the spaces and acquiring the materials, as well as over the lifetime of the space involved. To this end, Metalundia has a large technical team that can advise the client and show them the best spatial layout for their library or archive through the use of plans and 3D simulations. 

At Metalundia we take care of even the smallest details, as we are one of a small group of companies that does not subcontract the final assembly of the products, nor their after-sales service. We have a great personnel team that, through years of training, have gained an excellent knowledge of each piece, adhering to our philosophy of paying attention to every detail of all our processes: planning, manufacture, supply, assembly and after sales service. 

Tell us about your ideas: at Metalundia everything is possible.

M Made-to-measure spaces

At Metalundia, we have a great technical team that can advise the client, showing them the best spatial layout for their library or archive via the use of plans and 3D simulations.

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N News

As every new product is a challenge overcome, Metalundia wants to keep you informed of everything as it happens. 

In this section, we also want to provide you with a series of links that are related to our world, Libraries and Archives